- Apr 12 Fri 2013 10:14
kitson 晶透串珠托特包 BLUE
- Apr 12 Fri 2013 10:14
- Apr 12 Fri 2013 10:14
Hallmark-City系列托特包 -駝色HL12BM36053BG
Hallmark-City系列托特包 -駝色HL12BM36053BG verse businesses including greeting cards, stationery, gifts, e-cards, a TV channel and more. For over 100 years, Hallmark has helped people connect with one another and give voice to their feelings. In the 1960s, Hallmark expanded into international markets and now the products are published in 30 languages and can be found in 100 countries around the world. Hallmark possesses the finest reputation for creativity, quality products and exemplary services. ................................................................................................................................ 美國Hallmark品牌由1910年創立至今,經營範圍橫跨賀卡、文具、禮品、電子卡片、電視頻道等各種不同商業型態。為世界知名品牌之一。100多年來,Hallmark致力於建立人與人之間心意傳達的溝通管道。 1960年代起,Hallmark開始拓展國際市場,現已遍布全球100多個國家,發行30多種版本語言。Hallmark擁有絕佳的創意、完善的品質、真誠的服務,贏得全球消費者對於Hallmark的信賴。 共推出:桃色 / 奶茶色 / 黑色 三款可供挑選
- Apr 12 Fri 2013 10:14
SEE BY CHLOÉ Twin Tassels 棕色小牛皮兩用托特包(附背帶...
- Apr 12 Fri 2013 10:14
COACH 塗鴉C loge格紋布珠扣托特包(黑桃)
- Apr 12 Fri 2013 10:14
Calvin Klein黑灰CK Logo麂皮側拉鍊肩背托特包